Directed By:
Jonathan Winfrey
Joan Severance, Garrett Morris, Rick Rossovich, Stephen Lee and Ed Gilbert
Rated R
Genre: Comic Book Action/Sci-Fi
Format Used: Netflix DVD
Contains: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence, Nudity, Graphic Sexual Content
Also Known As:
Roger Corman Presents 'Black Scorpion'
Darcy Walker, a cop with a vendetta. Darcy's father was gunned down in cold blood before her very eyes and there was nothing
she could do to stop it. She discovers that the trigger men were under mind control through Asthma inhalers given to them
from a man that her father arrested. During the fight with her father he was shot in the lungs and now can only survive with
artificial experimental robot lungs.
Going by the name Breathtaker, he has bigger plans then after killing Darcy's father. Now the only way to avenge her
Father's murder and stop this criminal mastermind is to go outside the law and become a crime fighter vigilante named Black
Scorpion. Now if the Breathtaker don't kill her then her only friends just might.
Black Scorpion is Roger Cormen's Batman. Which is cool and there is a lot of cool stuff in this movie. Like the Breathtaker
being a cross between Doctor Doom and Darth Vader, that's kind of cool. The mind control gas in the inhalers was worthy of
the Mad Hatter. The Cormen B-movie style is all over this puppy which is not always a good thing. There are plenty of stunts
and hot babes to make any action fan happy. This movie, the good out weighs the bad. But if you aren't one for comic book
movies, then I would advise not watching Black Scorpion, however if you like comic book like movies and don't care if it was
ever a comic before. Then check out BLACK SCORPION, as for me I give it 8 STARS.
I agree with Zedd, the Black Scorpion is one cool crime fighter who is not afraid to take out the trash. But two things bugged
me about this. One, the macho Police should admit that there are some things that normal Police can't handle like super villains
and they can't be everywhere at once. Sheesh, you would think public safety would be more important the brushed egos. Two,
there is some stock-footage in this movie. But not two much that it really hurts it. 8 STARS.
+ COSTUMES (I love the Black Scorpion and Breathtaker costumes.)
+ ACTION (Never a dull moment.)
+ COOL STORY (Very comic bookish.)
+ CHARACTERS (Most of the characters were likable.)
- STOCK-FOOTAGE (There are some stock-footage in this.)
- ROGER'S STYLE (Roger's style is all over this, which is not a good thing.)
- POLICE EGO (Oh, if they don't have a badge then they can't protect the city. Not to mention that there are some things
the normal police can't handle.)
- FAN BASED (If you don't like comic books or comic books style movies then this isn't for you.)